Cláudio Figueiredo



Hello, I am Cláudio, a musician experienced in drums, keyboards, and music production.
I've always liked music since I was little, music of all genres. Music has always been part of my life.

I formed my first band at the age of 16, did a lot of live performances across Portugal. Played in several Pop and Soul bands from Portugal and Spain and performed with them across Europe and Cabo Verde. I did production work and set up my own studio of artistic rehearsals and music productions in Portugal. I worked as a drummer and artistic director in South Korea and Dubai for 10 years.

Now I'm starting a new adventure here in Holland.

Feel free to have a look in my page.


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CURSUSJAAR 2024/2025

De informatie op de website is helemaal geüpdatet voor de huidige cursusjaar. Vergeet niet om je in te schrijven!


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